Monday, March 16, 2009

MRFL participates in successful 2009 Hudson Area Chamber of Commerce Business Expo!

March 14, 2009 - Meyers, Roman, Friedberg & Lewis attended the highly successful 2009 Hudson Area Chamber of Commerce Business Expo. The Chamber event was beautifully planned and included nearly 100 exhibitors with booths throughout East Woods Elementary School in Hudson. The Chamber worked with the Hudson City Schools and local community groups to provide food, education and entertainment including a great magic show and a fabulous dance performance by local children. The event was well attended by community members and it certainly appeared that everyone enjoyed their day.

MRFL attorneys Anne Meyers, Barbara Roman, Scott Lewis, Peter Brosse, Mary Louisa L'Hommedieu, Stephen Dodd and Bryan Dardis were all on hand throughout the day to answer legal questions, pass out great eco-friendly shopping bags , and enjoy the day with the Hudson Community. Were you at the event? Let us know!