Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sexy Fork Party a Great Success!

Wow! Thank you all so much for making our Sexy Fork networking event a huge success. It was such a privilege to share the room and enjoy the evening with such interesting and accomplished women. And you all looked fabulous!!!

Thanks especially to Mary Wills of the Good Fork. The food was just wonderful and we all enjoyed the presentation.

I will be posting more pictures on my facebook page. Please friend me on facebook or link in on LinkedIn. We should absolutely stay in touch so that we can plan another get together soon.

Thanks again for a great evening.

Mary Louisa

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ohio Chautauqua coming to Hudson

I am so excited that Hudson will be hosting a Chautauqua presentation, bringing the lives of six 1930s personalities to life under the big tent! From July 6 - 10, we have the opportunity to interact with trained scholars who assume the costume and character of historical figures including W.C. Fields, Paul Robeson, Eleanor Roosevlet and Orson Welles. The event will take place on the Hudson High School Grounds, and there will also be programs at the Hudson Library each day.

I hope to see you there!

New Proposal for testing Independent Contractor Status

Ohio will be cracking down on the misclassification of workers as independent contractors. Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray estimates that Ohio has lost hundreds of millions of dollars in potential unemployment compensation and workers' compensation premiums and in state income.

Recent legislation has been introduced to create a uniform definition of "employee." If passed, it would replace the current independent contractor analysis with a statutory, seven-point test to determine whether a worker is an employee. Under the proposal, independent contractor status can be established only by meeting all of the following factors:

1. The individual has been and continues to be free from control and direction in connection with the performance of the service.

2. The individual customarily is engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business of the same nature as the trade, occupation, profession, or business involved in the service performed.

3. The individual is a separate and distinct business entity from the entity for which the service is being performed or, if the individual is providing construction services and is a sole proprietorship or partnership, the individual is a legitimate sole proprietorship or a partner in a legitimate partnership.

4. The individual incurs the primary expenses and has continuing or recurring business liabilities related to the service performed.

5. The individual is liable for breach of contract for failure to complete the service in the time and manner prescribed.

6. An agreement, written or oral, express or implied, exists describing the service to be performed, the payment the individual will receive for performance of the service, and the time frame for completion of the service.

7. The service performed by the individual is outside of the usual course of business of the employer.

This test will certainly change the independent contractor landscape. Even if the new law does not pass, it is clear that the Attorney General is ready to challenge the status.

Is is time to review your independent contractor agreement?