Friday, November 6, 2009

ODH Requires Immediate Notification on Injuries

In a November 6, 2009 letter, ODH has made a clear change in the policy regarding the current Injury of Unknown Source Investigation Guide. ODH has now made it clear:

"All alleged violations involving mistreatment, neglect, or abuse, including injuries of unknown source and misappropriation of the resident property be reported immediately to the administrator and to the State survey and certification agency.

Further, CMS states 'CFR 483.13(c)(2) and S&C 05-09 memo does not allow providers 24 hours to investigate and then determine if an incident is reportable. '"

Based on this CMS guidance, [ODH has] removed the injury of unknown source (IUS) investigation guide from the ODH website. " (emphasis in original).

ODH has promised to change its webiste to remove the current flow chart. Facilities should make sure that their policies are updated.

Of course, please post or call with any questions.

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